Wednesday, 2 May 2007




Scena 2

PROFESOARA: Buna ziua, e timpul sa incepem prima lectie.
EA: Nu va suparati dar eu refuz sa particip la toata mascarada asta si, in continuare, vreau sa plec.
PROFESOARA: E normal, de aceea va aflati aici, pentru ca refuzati, si prima lectie pe care trebuie sa o invatati este acceptarea. Pot sa va spun tu?
EA: Ce dracu' vreti de la mine, nu inteleg nimic!?
PROFESOARA: De aceea sunt aici, sa va explic…
EA: M-am saturat de cate aveti voi de spus, poate ca pe unii ii intereseaza si opinia altora.
PROFESOARA: Exact! Ai punctat cu exactitate. Dar crezi ca noi nu ne-am saturat de cate ai tu de spus? Sau ei, ei crezi ca nu s-au saturat? De literatura din capul tau?
EA: Nu e literatura, e realitate.
PROFESOARA: Literatura -realitate pe muchie, cine mai stie?
EA: Eu nu sunt pe muchie!
PROFESOARA: Imi amintesc cand erai in liceu si chiuleai de la scoala, erai cu boemul tau coleg si prieten, imbracat intr-o haina in carouri mari si cu o sapca in carouri mici, la gat purta in loc de cravata si evident in semn de protest, un papion cu buline. V-a prins directoarea pe culoar, iti amintesti? "Unde mergeti?" v-a intrebat. "Si cu tine ce-i imbracat asa ca o paparuda? Parca esti nebun". "Eu?" a raspuns colegul razand, "eu sunt normal doamna". Ea a ras si mai tare: "Toti nebunii zic ca-s normali".
EA: Veche, nu rad la ea decat prostii.
PROFESOARA: Si cei care au ras de ce te-ar mai asculta?
EA: Pentru ca se recunosc in vorbele mele…Cine nu se recunoaste si nici nu-l intereseaza ce am de spus sa plece acasa si sa se intoarca maine seara. Se joaca o comedie.
PROFESOARA: Aceasta nu e comedie?( vrea sa plece )
EA: Ba da. Uneori iti vine sa razi.(se uita la un spectator) De ce ai acum o alta fata? Niciodata nu stiu inainte sa vii ce fata o sa ai, cum o sa fii, ce o sa fii…De unde-mi vin toate gandurile astea? Parca am mai fost candva in aceeasi situatie.
PROFESOARA: Foarte bine, foarte bine…s-o luam cu inceputul…
EA: (agresiva) Nu vreau s-o iau cu inceputul, sa ma intorc inapoi? Pierdere de timp!
PROFESOARA: Pierzi timpul plangandu-te ca pierzi timpul. Intoarce-te la punctul zero. Fa liniste in capul asta al tau ca nu ne mai intelegem.
EA: Liniste! Liniste! Liniste! Liniste! Liniste! Zgomotele se maresc…
Tipa urla striga zbiara!
Tipa urla striga zbiara!
Tipa urla striga zbiara!
Zgomotele se potolesc…
(publicului ) De mici am stiut sa facem asta, ne mai foloseste si acum.

EA: Sunt in punctul zero. Padurea, cararea, iarba, florile, soarele si foarte repede luna si intunericul si stelele si toate cate le doresc, se schimba intre ele, isi urmeaza ciclul rapid sau lent. Totul cum vreau eu. In punctul zero e cum vreau eu pentru ca in punctul zero e orice, e totul…si uneori vreau si nu stiu ca vreau, si alteori vreau si nu stiu ce vreau si de cele mai multe ori vreau si nu vreau…Pe drum trece o caleasca si din ea se furiseaza in padure cativa oameni inarmati cu pusti. Se furiseaza sa nu-i vad. Ce liniste! Mi-e frica…
PROFESOARA: De ce ti-e frica?
EA: Nu stiu…
PROFESOARA: Asteapta…incearca sa-ti dai seama de ce ti-e frica. Frica vine sub o forma sau alta : frica de a nu avea intotdeauna dreptate, frica de a nega si frica de a pierde, frica de a nu ti se afla secretul, frica de faptul ca meriti tot ce ti se intampla, ca Dumnezeu nu exista, ca esti numai tu intr-o forma pe care ti-e frica sa o recunosti...
EA: Am furat flori de sub geamul lui. El a sarit pe ferestra si a luat-o la fuga dupa mine. Alergam. Cand mana lui m-a atins am simtit ceva cald pe picioare. Mult. Nu-l puteam opri. M-a tras de urechi si mi-a urlat ceva. N-am putut sa inteleg ce. Apoi a plecat. Indreptandu-ma spre casa lasam in urma aburi calzi…
PROFESOARA: Trezeste-te! E cinci fara doisprezece minute!
EA: Iar?

Scena 3

(EA e singura, spectatorii se uita la ea, vrea din nou sa vorbeasca, se simte acuzata etc,…intr-un tarziu izbucneste)

EA: Da, ma uit la telenovele, ei si ce? E slabiciunea mea, ei si ce ? Pentru asta trebuie sa va suport privirile?
Sunt cu incheieturile intepenite. Cand incerc sa umblu sunt ca un gandac albastrui pe o gramada de balegar. Mi-am gasit o scuza, e plauzibila, recunosc…
Da, ma uit la telenovele pentru ca Hamlet si Ofelia sunt disperanti, si-au dat mana si nu se mai pot desprinde. Apoi Romeo si Julieta. S-au vazut…ea a vrut sa fuga, cel putin asa am auzit, ce vrei instinctul de conservare, dar era prea tarziu, unul Shakespeare, care tocmai trecuse pe langa ei, vazuse totul. Au aflat si ei, poti sa scapi daca tai firul. Lumea e o fabrica de instrumente de taiat firul si ofera si o larga piata de desfacere… cand sunt pe patul de apa, deschid trapa si cobor direct in lift. De obicei apas butonul cu numarul sapte. Dar liftul nu se opreste intotdeauna acolo…nu ma credeti, nu-i asa? Vad pe fata voastra ca nu ma credeti. Acum imi dau seama …poate nu credeti dar totul se vede pe fata voastra. Pun pariu ca ati venit de acasa cu fata gata compusa : neincrezatoare, expectativa…Ia sa vedem ce ne mai spun artistii. Greu sa fii artist, nu credeti? Dar ce credeti? A! Nu credeti nimic? Nimic nimic? V-ati pus fata asta si gata? Nu mai trebuie sa credeti nimic, sunteti la adapost. Cel putin pana va intoarceti inapoi acasa.
De exemplu mi-ar placea sa-mi povestiti cat de mare si gol e patul dumneavoastra si cum acest lucru se petrece mai ales seara dupa ce ati inchis televizorul si va pacaliti ca vi s-a facut somn. Poate daca-l chemati vine. Somnul. Si apoi va prefaceti toata noaptea ca dormiti. Si a doua zi la serviciu, ce fata surazatoare, ce zambet larg! De ce sa stie colega ca ai probleme? Ca nu mai stii cine esti si de ce. Din decenta? As! Sa nu se bucure ceilalti ca nu te mai descurci si ce-i mai grav este ca nu mai ai de ce sa te descurci. Ne prefacem fericiti. In definitiv sunt doar opt ore de stat acolo.Trec. Greu, dar trec. Acasa copiii nu trebuie sa stie cat e de greu sa fii om matur. De ce sa afle saracutii de pe acum ca viata e o imensa felie cu cacat (din care unii am mancat deja destul de mult, din fericire) cand putem sa-i pacalim, macar un timp. Le creem o lume roz, tragem cortina si le-o aratam: ASTA e lumea! Undeva speram ca, poate, daca si noi credem, atunci asta e lumea. Ei cred de-adevaratelea si noi stim adevarul. Ii prindem de nas sa nu simta putoarea care se raspandeste. Asta e! Se raspandeste orice ai face. N-o poti opri pentru ca incontestabila ei calitate este de a se raspandi. Traiti asa, ce conteaza. De unde am invatat asa ceva? E un atavism?
Astepti sa vina seara, sa te uiti la un film, ceva usor, o telenovela pentru ca acolo ei se prefac in dulce stil sudamerican ca dupa multa suferinta si disperare lucrurile se aranjeaza ca prin farmec, tot ce s-a distrus in zece ani se reface intr-o clipa, apoi linistit te prefaci si tu ca ti-e somn, dormi, nu mai auzi, nu mai vezi, in linistea unui fel de moarte…Si intr-o zi te hotarasti: vorbesc, spun tot. Si-ti suni o buna prietena dar, si intervine un dar, cand incepi sa te plangi, exact in acel moment, cand vrei sa-i arunci in carca toata mizeria anilor tai de zambete si buna dispozitie, i se ard cartofii, ii plange copilul, i-a intrat sotul pe usa, exact in momentul asta : "Tre’ sa fug! Te sun eu mai tarziu!" Si mai tarziu afli de la vecine ca ei, prietenei tale cele mai bune, nu-i plac oamenii cu probleme. Si are dreptate. Si te intorci si tu la ale tale si ne intoarcem si noi la ale noastre. Uneori venim la teatru dar vrem neaparat sa vedem o comedie. Sa radem. Sa uitam. Sa nu ne amintim, sa ne prefacem ca nu exista viata noastra asa cum actorii se prefac ca nu exista viata lor ci o alta, infinit mai usoara a unui personaj de comedie. Viata e o pacaleala.( Isi pune ochelarii de soare si scoate un baston alb, telescopic)

(Trei fete intra.)
O FATA: Putem sa repetam in clasa asta?
( Nu mai asteapta raspunsul si incep sa danseze can-can)

Scena 4

PROFESOARA: Ce-i cu ochelarii aia si cu bastonul alb? Teatru?
EA: Cineva mi-a spus ca am fost oarba toata viata si incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu aceasta trasatura.
PROFESOARA: Prin ironie negi nu accepti.
EA: Cum poti spune ca neg daca ma vezi cu ochelari si baston? Ce vrei mai mult decat ca incerc sa ma obisnuiesc!
PROFESOARA: Daca esti, nu trebuie sa le arati celorlalti ca esti , esti pur si simplu si restul nu mai conteaza. Renunta la mascarada si priveste lucrurile asa cum ele sunt.
EA: Nu pot. Ma doare. Ma doare fata asta banala. Nu-mi pot accepta banalitatea, ca sunt nimeni, ca sunt o femeie neatragatoare, ca barbatii nu ma plac, mi-e frica sa nu devin invizibila, sa trec pe strada si sa nu ma vada nimeni. (o miscare brusca si neasteptata ca si cand cineva ar intoarce-o) Ce a fost asta?
PROFESOARA: O curbura longitudinala specifica spatiului in care ne aflam. Trebuie sa incepem tratamentul de acceptare a ceea ce esti cu adevarat. Repeta dupa mine: nu sunt cea mai importanta persoana .
EA: Fugi de aici, nu spun asa ceva !
PROFESOARA: Dar trebuie daca vrei sa fii intreaga, trebuie sa te accepti asa cum esti, cu partea ta intunecata si cu partea ta luminoasa. Incepem cu lucrurile pe care le negi. Repeta dupa mine : Sunt o persoana neimportanta.
EA: Nu-i adevarat! Lumea ma cunoaste, ma recunoaste pe strada, sunt o persoana publica. Doamna, nu-i asa ca ma stiti? Doar ati mai fost la teatru, joc in toate spectacolele. A! Daca nu ma recunoasteti asta pentru ca sunt precum un cameleon, ma transform de la un rol la altul, ma transfigurez.
PROFESOARA: Da, te-ai transfigurat pana cand nici tu nu mai stii cine esti!
EA: Sunteti ironica sau mi se pare?
PROFESOARA: Sa continuam. Repeta dupa mine: sunt o persoana lipsita de importanta.
EA: Nu pot, ma doare.
PROFESOARA: Unde te doare neimportanta?
EA: doare atat de tare incat mi se pare imposibil sa gasesc o iesire. Cu cat ma gandesc mai adanc ma doare mai tare si nu ajung niciunde. Vreau sa plec. E un zid. Imi vin in minte numai cuvinte ca nimic, niciodata si imposibil. Nu le pot suporta, nu vreau sa existe dar ele exista. Exista nimic. Acest cuvant ma doare pana foarte departe cand ma identific cu el.
PROFESOARA: Nimic. Folosesc acest cuvant cand cred ca exista ceva anume undeva si nu e asa. Atunci spun : Nu e nimic aici! Deci nimicul e relativ la asteptarile mele. Nimic nu exprima ceva material, e o inexistenta si nici atat, mai poate avea sensul de micime...
EA: Nu!
PROFESOARA: neinsemnat...
EA: Nuu! ( in creierule ei se produce un scurtcircuit)
EA: Nu! Te rog! Taci! Simt cum mi se scurge tot sangele!
PROFESOARA: "un cacat", de "esti un nimic" adica nu insemni nimic pentru nimeni, deci...acest nimeni e restrans.
EA: Ma doare, ma hacuie, ma sfarteca! Taci! Taci! Nu mai vorbi! Te rog!
PROFESOARA: Nimic poti sa devii cand mori.
EA : Da, prefer varianta asta!
PROFESOARA: Spunem ca "dupa" nu e nimic pentru ca nu vedem in "intuneric", deci e relativ si conditionat de capacitatea noastra de "a vedea". Totul se tranforma, nimic nu se pierde. Folosit aici arata ca nici un obiect dintre cele despre care vorbim nu sunt, dar nu ca nu exista ci din contra, ca exista, din moment ce se vorbeste despre ele.
EA: Ajutoor!
PROFESOARA: Deci cand se spune despre ceva ca e nimic, prima concluzie pe care o tragem este ca exista.
EA: Macar atat!
PROFESOARA: Dar totusi, nimicul e ceva ce nu exista deci nu exista nimic. Sesizezi importanta paradoxului? Nu exista nimic deci nimic nu exista. Invartindu-ne in cerc, pana la ameteala bineinteles, deducem ca Nimic e Viata.
EA: Ce tampenie!
PROFESOARA: Sau viata e nimic? E totuna nu? Comparata cu moartea care e eterna. Cu cat moartea tinde la infinit cu atat viata tinde la zero.
EA: Imi voi dori in scurt timp sa tind la infinit daca nu incetezi. Mi-ai facut creierii zdrente, nu pot gandi atat, de repede ma refer, te rog sa incetezi, materia mea cenusie e lesie si de o mie de ori cate o mie se imprastie...
PROFESOARA: Si totusi viata e singurul lucru pe care-l posedam deci viata e totul. Acest nimic e totul. Extremele se atrag si se anihileaza. Dar am pierdut firul...ce voiam sa spun?
EA: Nimic. ( lesina)

PROFESOARA: Niciodata este un adverb de timp care ne indica timpul care nu a fost si care nu va fi dar care totusi exista din moment ce are un nume.

(english version)



scene 2

(Teacher and She)

Teacher: Good morning, it’s time to start our first lesson.
She: I’m sorry but I refuse to take part at this masquerade and still I want to leave.
Teacher: It’s normal, it’s absolutely normal, because of this you are here, because you refuse and the first lesson you must learn is acceptation. Can I call your name?
She: What a hell do you want from me? I don’t understand anything!
Teacher: That’s why I am here, to explain to you…
She: I grow tired of what you people have to say, maybe some of us are interested in somebody else’s opinions.
Teacher: Exactly, you get exactly to the point. Do you think that we didn’t grow tired of your opinions? Or them, do you think they didn’t grow tired of the literature inside your head?
She: That is not literature it’s reality.
Teacher: Literature or reality? This is on the edge.
She: I’m not on the edge!
Teacher: I remember you in high school when you played truant with your bohemian class mate and friend who was wearing a coat with big squares and a hat with little squares, in the place of tie and as a protest he was wearing a spotty bow tie. On the hall the schoolmistress had caught you on the hop and, do you remember? “where are you going?” he asked ” and why you are dressed up like a clown? Are you nuts or something?” “Who, me?” Your smiling friend answers with a question. “I’m O.K. ma’am”. She was laughing a lot.” All the nuts say they are O.K.”
She: Old joke, only stupid people are laughing at this.
Teacher: Why should they listen to you, the people who had been laughing?
She: Who has been laughing here? Nobody has been laughing, not even a dog. But maybe they find themselves in my words, who doesn’t find and who is not interested in what I want to say can go home and come back, a comedy will perform tomorrow.
Teacher: This is not a comedy??? (She wants to leave the stage.)
She (scared she will be alone): Yes, it’s a comedy, indeed! Sometimes people chuckle about. (to a viewer, surprised) Why do you have another face now? I never, but never know what face you’ll have when you’ll come, how you’ll be, what you’ll be…Where are these thoughts coming from? It seams like I have been in this situation before.
Teacher: Very well, very well…let’s start from the beginning…
She (aggressive): I don’t want to start from the beginning. I don’t want to turn back! This is a wasting of time!
Teacher: You are wasting your time complaining that you are wasting. Go back to the zero. Keep silence in your head, we cannot hear each other anymore.
She: Silence! Silence! Silence! Silence! Silence! The noises get louder…
Scream cry shout squeal!
Scream cry shout squeal!
Scream cry shout squeal!
Scream cry shout squeal! …the noises get lower…
(to the audience) We know how to manage this since we have been children. It is still useful.
I’m in the zero. The forest, the foot path, the grass, the flowers, the sun and so soon the moon and the dark and the stars and all I wish, they are changing, they are following slowly or quickly their cycle. Everything is how I want it to be. In the zero is how I want it to be because in the zero is anything, is everything, the whole…and sometimes I want and I don’t know that I want, some other times I want and I don’t know what I want and most of the times I want and I want not…On the way a carriage is passing… some armed people are sneaking out of it deep into the forest. They are sneaking of me. What a silence! I’m scared…
Teacher: What are you scared of?
She: I don’t know…
Teacher: Wait…try to figure out what are you scared of. The scare takes different forms : the scare of not being right all the time, the scare of denying and the scare of loosing, the scare of knowing your secret by the others, the scare of deserving all happened to you, of God non-existence, of your lonely being in a form which you are scared to admit…
She: I had been stolen flowers from his under window. He jumped out and start running after me. I was running too. When his hand touched me I felt something worm on my legs. A lot, I couldn’t stop it. He pulled my ear and shouted something to me, I couldn’t understand what. Then he left. Walking back home I had been spreading around worm steam…
Teacher: Wake up! There are 12 minutes to five!
She: Again?

Scene 3

(She is alone. The audience is looking at her, she wants again to talk to them, she feels herself accused by their looks, she stops herself of talking …long afterwards she breaks out.)

She: Yes I’m watching telenovelas, so what? It’s my weakness, so what? Because of this should I stand your looks?
I have stiff joints. When I try walking I’m like a big blue bug on a cowpat. I found an excuse, it’s credible, I admit…Yes, I’m watching telenovelas because Hamlet and Ophelia make me desponding, they hold their hands and cannot detach. Then Romeo and Juliet, they saw each other…she wanted to run away, at least I heard like that, what would have me to do, she had a race maintenance, but it was too late, some one Shakespeare, which had been passed by there, saw everything. They found out also, you can escape if you cut the thread. The world is a cut–thread factory and offer us a large company-owned outlet…I’m on the water bed, I open the trap-door and get down directly in the elevator. As usually I push the button nr.7, but the elevator doesn’t stop there all the time…you don’t believe me, do you? I can see on your face that you don’t believe me. Now I get next to this…maybe you don’t believe but everything can be read on your face. I bet you came here with this ready-home-made face: suspicious, abeyance face…let’s see what the artists will show us today. Is hard to be an artist, isn’t it? Have no opinion about? But what is your opinion? Oh! No opinion? Not even a little one? Not at all? You just took this face and that’s all? You shouldn’t have any opinion, you are saved without. At least until you get back home. For example, I would like to hear your story about how big and empty is your bed and how it became so big and empty especially in the night, after you turned off the TV and bamboozle yourself that you are sleepy. Maybe if you call it will come. The sleep. And after, all the night, you pretend that you are sleeping. Next day at work you have such a shiny face, such a large smile! Why should your work mates know that you have problems that you don’t know who you are and why you are? Because of decorum? Come on! You are afraid they will have great joy because you cannot come through and worst, you have no reasons to get on. We pretend that we are happy. At least there are just 8 hours to spend at work, they will pass. Hard, but will pass. The children at home don’t have to know how difficult is to be mature, why they should know by now that life is a slice with shit (some of us fortunately have been eaten more than half until now) so we can razzle-dazzle them for a while. We create a pink world for them, open the curtains and here it is: THIS is the world! Somehow we hope that if we deeply believe, there and then this is the world. They believe us and we know the truth. We try keep away of them the stink which diffuse itself. That’s it! It diffused itself no matter what you’ll do. You cannot stop it because its absolute quality is diffusing. Live like that, what does it matter?! Where did we learn this? It is a reversion? You are waiting for the night to watch a movie, something easy, a telenovela because they are pretending in the sweet South America style that after a long suffering and despondency the things are miraculous fixing, all have been destroyed in years tone up in a moment and after this, calmly, pretend yourself you are sleepy, you are sleeping, don’t hear anymore, don’t see anymore, in some kind of death’s silent…And one day you make up your mind: I’ll speak, I’ll say everything, and you call a very good friend of yours but, and here step in a “but”, when you start complaining, exactly in that moment when you want to burden her with all your smiling cheerfulness years’ misery , her food is burning ( first time) her husband just get in ( second time) exactly in that moment( don’t know which time) :” I must go! I’ll call you later!” and later, a neighbor tells you that your friend doesn’t like problematic people. And she is right. And you come back to your business and we come back to ours. Whiles we go to the theatre but needs to see a comedy. To laugh, to forget, to not remember, to pretend that our life doesn’t exist as like the actors pretend that their lives don’t exist and exist just one infinity easier comedy character’s life. Life is a hanky-panky. (She takes some black glasses and a white telescopic walking stick.)

(Three girls enter.)
One Girl: Can we rehearse in this class, please?
(They don’t wait for the answer and start rehearsing can-can dance.)

Scene 4
(The Teacher enter)

Teacher: What’s up with these glasses and white walking stick? Are you playing theatre?
She: Somebody told me that I had been blind all my life so I’m trying to settle in this…particularity.
Teacher: You deny not accept with irony.
She: How can you say I’m denying when you see me wearing black glasses and white stick?! What do you want more then I’m trying to give to this?
Teacher: If you are, you don’t have to prove to the others that you are, you downright are and doesn’t matter the rest. Give up with this masquerade and see the things like they are.
She: I can’t. It’s hurting me. My commonplace face is hurting me. I cannot accept my banality, that I’m nobody, an unattractive woman, men don’t like me, I’m afraid to not become invisible, to pass in the street and nobody see me. (She is unexpected and suddenly moving like somebody turned her round.) What was this?!
Teacher: This was a longitudinal compound curvature, a characteristic of the space we are in. Immediately we have to start the treatment: “The acceptance of what I truly am.” Repeat after me: I’m not the most important person.
She: Get away with you, I don’t say something like this!
Teacher: You must if you want to be entire! You must accept yourself exactly like you are, with your dark side and also with your shiny one. We begin with the denied things. Repeat after me: I am an unimportant person.
She: It’s not true! People know me, they recognize me on the street, I’m a VIP. You know me, don’t you madam? You are going to the theatre, I’m in all performances, you should know me! Oh! If you cannot recognize me it’s because I’m like a chameleon, I’m transforming myself from one character to another, I transfigure myself.
Teacher: Yes, you transfigure yourself in somebody you don’t know even!
She: Are you ironical or just seems to me like that?
Teacher: I suggest to continue. Repeat after me: I’m a person of no importance.
She: I can’t, it’s hurting me.
Teacher: Where the unimportance’s hurting?
She: Somewhere inside…it’s hurting me so much that I find no way out. As deep as I think about it’s hurting more and I don’t get anywhere. I want to leave. It’s a wall. Just words like nothing, never, impossible are coming to my mind. I cannot stand them, I don’t want them to exist but they exist. There is nothing. Nothing exists. This word is deeply hurting me when I identify myself with it.
Teacher: Nothing…I use this word when I believe that something distinct exists somewhere and it’s not like that. Then I say: It’s nothing here! So the nothing is relative to my expectations. Nothing doesn’t express something material, it’s a nonentity and not so much as, could have the meaning of littleness…
She: No!
Teacher: …of valueless…
She: Nooooo! (An electric short circuit is happened in her brain.)
Teacher: …of little…
She: No! Please! Shut up! I feel my all blood running out of my body!
Teacher: …of “piece of shit”, of “ you are nobody” means you mean nothing for everybody, so…this “nothing” has a limited sense.
She: It’s hurting me, it’s cutting me up, it’s carving me out! Shut up! Shut up! Don’t speak anymore! Please!
Teacher: When you die you are able to become nothing.
She: Yes! I prefer this variant!
Teacher: We say that “after” is nothing there and we say that because we cannot see in the “dark” so is relative and conditioned of our “seeing” ability. “Nothing to lose, everything to transform.” Used here the word “nothing” shows us that here is not even one object we are speaking about, but doesn’t say doesn’t exist, on the contrary, exist because we can speak about it.
She: Heeeelp!
Teacher: Therefore, when we call something like nothing, the first point we arrive to it’s that something exist.
She: At least this much!
Teacher: But, none the less, the nothing is something doesn’t exist so doesn’t exist nothing. Do you upon the idea of the importance of paradox? Nothing exists so exists the nothing. Boxing the compass, until get dizzy of course, we conclude that Nothing is Life.
She: What a stupidity!
Teacher: Or life is nothing? It’s the same thing, isn’t it, comparing it with the death which is eternal. As long as the death gravitates to the infinity as long the life gravitates to the zero.
She: I wish to gravitate to the zero if you don’t stop yourself. You tear my brain like you tear rags, I cannot think so much, so quickly I mean, please stop this shit, my grey matter is from a volcano crater and is spreading on a…doesn’t matter…
Teacher: Howbeit, it is strange and yet true that the life is only thing we have in possession so life is everything. This nothing is everything. The extremes attract and annihilate themselves. But I lost the thread…what I wanted to say?
She: Nothing. (She collapses.)
Teacher: “Never” is a time adverb which indicates the moment which was not and will be not but which exists as long as it has a name.

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